Repair Pricing

Pricing for repairs, when sent into our Australian repair facility, are as follows:

  • Non-prescription lenses: $150 AUD + any applicable taxes for your area, in addition to our standard $12 processing fee.
  • Frame: $30-$430 AUD (dependent on style) + any applicable taxes for your area, in addition to our standard $12 processing fee.
  • Temple (as long as there is no frame damage): free of charge part, in addition to our standard $12 processing fee.
  • Most nose pads can be sent directly to you, free of charge. However, there are some styles that do require you to send them to us, and those styles would be accompanied by our standard $12 processing fee and any applicable taxes.

To confirm the pricing for your specific style, feel free to contact our Customer Service Department toll-free at 1800 010 244 or email us at, and we will be happy to assist you. Our hours are Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm AEST. Otherwise, you can also visit our Repair Page, if you know your style, the repair prices will be there for you to view as well.

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